Clamp bata clamp forklift
Clamp bata clamp forklift
1. Application 1) forklift attachment brick clamp can efficiently and safely handle various types solid, regular cubic goods under normal temperature. 2) forklift attachment brick clamp widely used in construction material, metallurgy industries for hadling concrete blocks, cement bricks, carbon cubes, etc. The high structural strength and durability ensure the safe, productive application and long service life. 2. Special Features 1)Proven durable T-beam arm aluminum frame construction 2)Superior arm-side bearing for extended service life 3)Regenerative hydraulic valving for optipal arm ...
Forklift ngijolake clamping blok clamping forklift
Forklift ngijolake clamping blok clamping forklift
Kaluwihan Produk Shantui 3 ton forklift bata clamp peralatan mesin China Xinchai c490 karo mesin China Xinchai C490, transmisi hidrolik, katup kemudi dibantu hidrolik USA EATON, pompa minyak SHIMADZU, sasis suspensi lengkap. pallet, baja, bata etc.Shantui wis cooperated karo KOMATSU luwih saka 30 taun, kabeh produk digawe miturut standar KOMATSU. Model Mesin XINCHAI C490 Rated Output 40/2650 Kw/rpm Torsi Rated 165/1800 N·m/rpm Jumlah silinder 4 Bore×stroke 90×105 mm Perpindahan 2,7 L Dimensi Angkat Dhuwur ...
Clamp bata clamp forklift
Muter clamping beton hidraulik geser forklift
Fitur: * Konstruksi rangka aluminium lengan T-beam tahan lama. * Bantalan sisih lengen sing unggul kanggo umur layanan sing luwih dawa. * Nilai hidrolik regeneratif kanggo kacepetan lengen sing optimal. * Bantalan kontak awet, clamping dipercaya. * Visibilitas driver sing apik banget. Spesifikasi Kapasitas/ Pusat Beban (kg@mm) Tipe Pemasangan Kelas Opening Range (mm) Dhuwur Lengan (mm) Panjang Lengan (mm) Lebar Rangka (mm) Dhuwur Sakabèhé (mm) Bobot (kg) Ketebalan Efektif (mm) Pusat Horizontal Gravitasi (mm) 2700/500 CKS30D-001A II 290-1610 128 1100 1016 710 500 145 220 2700/500 CKS30D-002A II 290-1610 24 ...
Clamping Blok Forklift utawa Clamping Brick 2.5t Clamping Blok Forklift Blok
Clamping Blok Forklift utawa Clamping Brick 2.5t Clamping Blok Forklift Blok
Product Description forklift lampiran 1. buktiaken lan uga dirancang penyelundupan lan T-wangun lengen bar njamin obah Gamelan lan kekiatan apik. 2. Klep mriksa dirancang khusus nyedhiyakake sideshifting tanpa silinder katelu. 3. pigura profil Low kanggo visibilitas apik liwat ngawat-ngawati. 4. Superior geser prewangan njanjeni urip layanan lengkap. 5. Kualitas dhuwur PU / bantalan kontak Nylon kanggo mesthekake clamping dipercaya. 6. tutup hydraulic regenerative kanggo kacepetan lengen optimal. 7. 2 potong katup bantu truk perlu. 140bar≤ Tekanan Kerja ≤...
Clamp Blok Hidrolik Forklift Attachment
Clamp Blok Hidrolik Forklift Attachment
Application Block clamp can efficiently and saftly clamp various stone and block units. It is applied in fields like brickm, hollow block prefab contrete, and stone slab, etc. Non pallet conveying and stacking process. Features Adopt full steel complete frame, high density, can meet the requirement of high forcing performance. Self-lubricate sliding brace, installation firm and stable, longer life-span. Unique hydraulic design, ensuring moving right and left smoothly while clamping status, easy to lay out. Optimized structure ensure nice visual ...
Blok Grabs
Clamping Konkrit Tipe Konkrit Jenis Kualitas Tinggi Kualitas Kanggo Didol
Fitur 1.Struktur karo baja lengkap lan kekuatan dhuwur meets syarat khusus. 2. Sebutan struktural ndadekake lapangan visi digunakake kanggo operator. 3.Used dipindhah jinis artikel nyandhang-nolak, sawise ngagem gampang kanggo ngganti ekonomi lan praktis. 4.Bisa diputer lan lapangan kanggo nggawe efektif yen perlu. Spesifikasi Rentang Kapasitas (kg) Model Jembar Nyekel (mm) Dhuwur Angkat (mm) Sudut Ngiringake Sudut Puteran Panjang Teleskopik (mm) 5000-8000 BTC-GX Min 240x4=960 Maks 240x6=1140 5600 6-12° 90-12° 90-12° -800 Video Entuk kapasitas nyata forklift ...
Plancongan konkrit Forklift Conklift Browsing Clamping
Bruk Con beton hidrolik / Clamp Angkat Lambang
Fitur 1.Konstruksi rangka aluminium lengan T-beam tahan lama. 2.Superior lengen-sisih prewangan kanggo lengkap urip layanan. 3.Regenerative hydraulic valuing kanggo kacepetan lengen optimal. 4. bantalan kontak awet, clamping dipercaya. 5. visibilitas driver banget. Spesifikasi Kapasitas/ Pusat Beban (kg@mm) Tipe Pemasangan Kelas Opening Range (mm) Dhuwur Lengan (mm) Panjang Lengan (mm) Lebar Rangka (mm) Dhuwur Sakabèhé (mm) Bobot (kg) Ketebalan Efektif (mm) Pusat Horizontal Gravitasi (mm) 2700/500 CKS30D-001A II 290-1610 128 1100 1016 710 500 145 220 2700/500 CKS30D-002A II 290-1610 24 ...
Blok bersenjata pindho lan Clamp Brick
Blok bersenjata pindho lan Clamp Brick
Usage Block clamp can clamp various stone and block units ssftly and efficiently, Applied in fields like brick, hollow block prefab concrete, and stone slab, etc. non pallet conveying and stacking process. Characteristic 1. Adopt full steel complete frame, high density, can meet the requirement of high forcing performance. 2. Self-lubricate sliding brace, installation firm and stable, longer life-span. 3. Unique hydraulic design, ensuring moving right and left smoothly while clamping status, easy to lay out. 4. Optimized structure ensure ...
Forklift Attachment Con beton Blok Clamp Kelas Kelas 3 &
Forklift Attachment Blok Beton Clamp Kelas 3
Block clamp can safely and efficiently clamp a variety of stone and brick, suitable for handling and stacking operations without pallet in the floor tile, concrete, precast concrete, stone, graphite and other industries. Specifications Capacity@ Load Center (kg@mm) Catalog Mounting Class Opening Range (mm) Arm Height (A) (mm) Arm Length (B) (mm) Arm Thickness (D) (mm) Frame Width (C) (mm) Vertical Center of Gravity (CGV) (mm) Horizontal Center of Gravity (CGH) (mm) Effective Thickness (ET) (mm) Weight (kg) 2500@500 SLR-A001K ...