Push Pull Forklift for sale

Omah / Kabeh Lampiran / Push Pull Forklift for sale

Push Pull Forklift for sale


Push / Pull yaiku lampiran sing abot lan tugas abot kanggo aplikasi slipsheet siklus dhuwur sing mbutuhake produktivitas dhuwur kanthi perawatan sithik. Produk biasane ditangani nganggo push / pull kalebu: produk sing digabung, produk cased, kaca dll.


l Pantograph visibilitas dhuwur, rahang genggaman lan rai

l Platform ngisor lengkap / troli sing bisa diatur

l sudhut platen Chamfered lan desain rahasia gripper

l Kekuwatan dhuwur, pantografi kaku kanggo ngemas beban sing aman

l Hidraulik dilindhungi, sirkuit hidraulik sing disederhanakake.


Rincian cepet

Kondisi: Anyar
Panggonan Asal: Xiamen, China (Mainland)
Jeneng merek: HUAMAI
Jinis: Truck Pallet Powered, penylametan palet
Power Souce: Mesin Diesel
Garpu Garpu: 1070mm
Sertifikasi: CE / ISO9001
Layanan sawise adol sing diwenehake: Engineers kasedhiya kanggo mesin layanan ing luar negeri
Loading Kapasitas: 2000kg
Aplikasi: Diesel, baterei, truk Gasoline Forkilift
Werna: TBD
Dipasang clas: ISO 2
Ukuran dipasang: 455x1220mm
Ukuran Mobil Min Truck: 915mm
Jarak njaba platen: 1015mm utawa 1220mm

Fungsi lan Aplikasi

Can pull and push light goods pack with the help of sliding plate instead of pallet. (eg.cardboard) safely and efficiently.Only use sliding plate to realize loading, stacking, and reuse cardboard (only for Sliding Plate Reatinable Model ).It can greatly improve production efficiency,saving the cost .

Bisa digunakake sacara elektronik ing industri, panganan, industri cahya lan industri liyane.


• Struktur terintegrasi sing akurat, cakrawala sudhut, fleksibel lan gampang dilakokno;

• Munggah lan mbukak barang bisa ditindakake tanpa palet, lan aplikasi lembaran slip biaya murah bisa nyukupi ruangan panyimpenan.

• Plat garpu garam sing tahan lama lan lancar bisa ngindhari karusakan ing bagean sambungan piring geser sajrone operasi.

• Desain unsur hidraulik sing cukup ndadekake sistem hidrolik entuk perlindungan lan umur dawa.

• Kabeh bahan digawe saka wesi kanthi kekuwatan dhuwur.

•An oilfree lubrication system is applied to each joint ensures better protection of the pins and axles, without maintenance.


1. Please get the actual comprehensive bearing capacity of forklifts and their attachments from the factory.

2. Matching this attachment requires 1 more oil circuitsor 2 more oil circuits and 2 more electric circuit for the forklift.

3. QPA model with solenoid valve (if not specified notice, the working voltage is 12 v), please pay attention to forklift system voltage.

4. The models above are fast loading mounted pushpull type, if need standard fork please buy addtionally.

5. Miturut syarat pelanggan, model khusus bisa uga desain lan menehi.

Keuntungan Kita

Napa pilih kita minangka supplier sing dipercaya utawa bisa dadi pedagang lokal karo kita?

1. Tim teknis sing berpengalaman, layanan sing luwih profesional

HUMAI is made up of a team of members who have years of experience with European forklift trucks and its attachments.

2. Jangkauan produk sing akeh, wenehake solusi total

HUAMAI has grown rapidly into a sizeable company specialized in producing a comprehensive range of hydraulic and mechanical attachments.

The major categories of hydraulic attachments include rotating type, sliding arm type, sideshifting/ hinged type, special purpose type and others.

3. Dhukungan prioritas, yen agensi / bakul

If you a local dealer, can achieve HUAMAI agent policy support, including fast delivery time, competitive price and accessories support, ect.

4. Pabrikan dhewe, rega kompetitif

Pabrik kita kalebu area 10.000 meter persegi, dilengkapi peralatan lan fasilitas modern. Produksi skala lan ora ana wong tengah sing bakal ngirit biaya tuku.