Pengendali Clache Clk Forklift Cina

Omah / Kabeh Lampiran / Pengendali Clache Clk Forklift Cina

Pengendali Clache Clk Forklift Cina


Widely used in the petroleum and chemical industry and in other applications that requires the handling of standard drum.


-can also help improve productivity by handling up to four drums per load
Handling drums in horizontal and vertical position
-Adjustable drum postion during operation
--Reasonable drum handling postion, extend the service lift of drums
--High performance pressure retaining valve
--Optional dimensions


Rincian cepet

Kondisi: Anyar
Panggonan Asal: Xiamen, China (Mainland)
Tipe: Truk Pallet sing Diakoni
Power Souce: Mesin Diesel
Rated Loading Capacity: 200kg-600kg
Sertifikasi: ISO9001
After-sales Service Provided: Engineers available to service ...


HUAMAI rotating drum clamps are used wherever product is stored in drums, including the petroleum, chemical and food processing industries. HUAMAI forklift drum clamps improve productivity by allowing a forklift driver to handle up to four drums per load. In addition, the use of a drum clamp allows the driver to securely grip the drums for transporting. This eliminates instability during braking and cornering, which is a common problem when attempting to handle drum with conventional forks.


* Lengan balok T-balok kanthi awet lan konstruksi aluminium.

* Bahan geser unggul lan desain kanggo ndawakake umur layanan.

* Desain lengen kanggo nangani drum 55-galon standar.

* Ganti karet ngadhepi pad pad.

* Reguler hidraulik regane kanggo kecepatan lengen sing optimal.


* Radius lengen khusus kanggo ukuran drum khusus.

* Lengan khusus kanggo serat lan kanggo drum plastik.

* Lengan lengen khusus -Sambungake sambungan sambungan.

* Kisaran bukaan Custom.