Forklift ngijolake clamping blok clamping forklift
Kaluwihan Produk Shantui 3 ton forklift bata clamp peralatan mesin China Xinchai c490 karo mesin China Xinchai C490, transmisi hidrolik, katup kemudi dibantu hidrolik USA EATON, pompa minyak SHIMADZU, sasis suspensi lengkap. pallet, baja, bata etc.Shantui wis cooperated karo KOMATSU luwih saka 30 taun, kabeh produk digawe miturut standar KOMATSU. Model Mesin XINCHAI C490 Rated Output 40/2650 Kw/rpm Torsi Rated 165/1800 N·m/rpm Jumlah silinder 4 Bore×stroke 90×105 mm Perpindahan 2,7 L Dimensi Angkat Dhuwur ...

3T Forklift kanthi Clamp Clale Attachment
PILIHAN: Minangka produsen forklift profesional, kita uga bisa menehi layanan khusus, Barang-barang ing ngisor iki minangka opsional: Container mast, contone, 2-stage full free mast 3m, 3-stage full free mast 4.5m Side shifter, positioner garpu, garpu maneh, extension garpu Kanggo rincian konfigurasi selaras lan opsi, hubungi kita. Layanan profesional VMAX bakal kesengsem sampeyan. LAIN: A: Tanggal pangiriman: 30 dina sawise nampa simpenan B: Syarat pembayaran: T / T (deposito 30%, saldo mbayar ...

Posisi Palsu Garpu Forklift
Function And Applications Forklift side shifting fork positioner is applicable to the material distribution, warehousing and manufacturing industries, make the forklift driver accurately adjust the spacing of the forks with good and wide vision. Features -The lateral oil cylinder piston rod, the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance. Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve, adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. -Mechanical performance: fork USES the fine steel, ...

Lengganan Poskoder Forklift Forklift Forklift
Features The lateral oil cylinder piston rod , the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance; Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve,adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. Mechanical performance:fork uses the fine steel,is not easy to damage, by supporting rod coupling,compact structure, light weight,easy installation and pallet fork closed time distance is smaller. Note Obtain the actual capacity of the forklift and attachments from the forklift manufacturer, Two ...

Heavy Positioner Garpu Metal Hydraulic tugas Kanggo Diesel Forklift
Heavy Duty Hydraulic Metal Fork Positioner For Diesel Forklift Features The lateral oil cylinder piston rod , the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance; Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve,adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. Mechanical performance:fork uses the fine steel,is not easy to damage, by supporting rod coupling,compact structure, light weight,easy installation and pallet fork closed time distance is smaller. Note Obtain the actual capacity of ...

Clon Clamp Attachment Kanggo Forklift 3t
Titik Sade 1. Transmisi Otomatis Cina Kanthi Teknologi TCM Ningkatake Efisiensi Operator, Nanggapi kanthi Cepet lan Lancar. 2. Desain Buffer Cerdas Ngindhari Tabrakan Tajem lan Nyilikake Resiko Karusakan Sajrone Ngisor Beban, Mast Wide-View Uga Nyedhiyakake Visibilitas Tinggi Kanggo Operator 3. Radiator Aluminium Kapasitas Dhuwur Dirancang Kanggo Sirip Transfer Termal lan Cooler Minyak sing Efisien Konverter Torsi Transmisi, Mbantu Ngapikake Iongevity Mesin. 4. Wide Range Pilihan Mesin Diesel, Bensin, Lan LPG Spesifikasi Forklift Asal ...

Lanskap Posktor Forkllit Forkllit Forkllit
Features The lateral oil cylinder piston rod , the integral structure is simple, easy processing, maintenance; Controllable pitch oil cylinder is equipped with the throttle valve, adjustable pallet fork adjust speed, sealers adopt NOK series of products, quality is reliable. Mechanical performance:fork USES the fine steel,is not easy to damage, by supporting rod coupling, compact structure, light weight,easy installation and pallet fork closed time distance is smaller. Specification Capacity/ Load Center (kg@mm) Model Mounting Class Adjust Range Of The Forks ...