Rotter Lampiran Forklift

Omah / Kabeh Lampiran / Rotter Lampiran Forklift

Rotter Lampiran Forklift

Katrangan Product

1.Functions and Applications

Nggulung liwat 360 °, puteran garpu garpu.

Digunakake kanthi umum ing industri panganan, industri kimia, industri sanitasi, industri gaya, industri pemutus, dll.


*Proven durable construction design, unique rotating drive system, meet the hight stength continuous operation.

* Tork nyetir sing kuat ngrampungake fungsi puteran sing stabil lan dipercaya.

* Motor hidraulik tetep karo kunci hidrolik sing bisa dibalikake, posisi sudut kunci fungsi.


-Pilih ambane gerbong


1.HUAMAI brand is first class in China, which technology is from America.
2.Key parts and accessories are world class,which is different from other Chinese brands.

Keuntungan Kita

Napa milih kita minangka supplier sing dipercaya utawa bisa dadi pedagang lokal karo kita?

1. Tim teknis sing berpengalaman, layanan sing luwih profesional

HUAMAI kalebu tim anggota sing wis pengalaman pirang-pirang taun karo truk forklift Eropa lan sapanunggalane


2. Jangkauan produk sing akeh, wenehake solusi total

HUAMAI has grown rapidly into a sizeable company specialized in producing a comprehensive range of hydrauli

and mechanical attachments. The major categories of hydraulic attachments include rotating type, sliding arm type, side-shifting/hinged type, special purpose type and others.

3. Dhukungan prioritas, yen agensi / bakul

If you a local dealer, can achieve HUAMAI agent policy support, including fast delivery time, competitive

price and accessories support, ect.

4. Pabrikan dhewe, rega kompetitif

Our factory covers an area of 10,000 square meters, fully equipped with modern manufacturing equipments

and facilities. Scale production and no middlemen will save the purchasing cost.

5. Sales record and voice from our existing customer, and get good feedback from them.

Rincian cepet

Panggonan Asal: Fujian, China (Mainland)
Jeneng merek: HUAMAI
Nomer Model: Hidrolik-Rotator
Certificate: CE
Load Capacity: 1600-6800kg
Mounting Class: II or III or IV
Carriage Width: 815-1855mm
Fork Max. Spacing: 705-1855mm
Overall Width: 840-1890mm
Weight: 188-1040kg
Perawatan lumahing: Cat
Werna: Minangka syarat
Waranti: 1 Taun